My journey as an intern in department of General Medicine

I am Racha chandana , Intern posted in the General Medicine Department from 1/12/23 until 31/1/24.

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome."I've been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.

1-12-2023 to 15-12-2023         units
16-12-2023 to 31-12-2023       psychiatry
1-1-2024 to 15-1-2024.             Peripherals
16-1-2024 to 31-1-2024.           Units


 A 65 year old male patient with complaints of fever and sob


Patient was brought to casualty with complaints of fever since one week

breathlessness since one day

 history of presenting illness:-

Patient was apparently symptomatic one week back then he developed cough and cold which was insidious in onset associated with sputum, which was greenish in color and mucoid in nature,no aggravating factors no relieving factors then he developed the fever which was insidious onset , gradually progressive, it is of high grade, associated with chills and rigors for which he  took medication from an RMP which got subsided but reappeared two days back

Patient complains of increased frequency of urine passage during night Times since 7 days( 4 to 5 times)

Complaints of decreased appetite  since 4 days

Complaints of nausea since 4 days

Patient feels dehydrated Since 4 days complaints of dryness of lips

Complaints of shortness of breath since four days which was initially grade 2 which now progressed to grade 4 since last night.

Past history:-

No history of similar complaints in the past

 complaints of pain in bilateral knee joints since 5 years for which he was using NSAID's

Not a known case of hypertension,TB, epilepsy,cva,CAD

Had a history of right tbl fracture 5 years back

Personal history:-

Patient takes normal diet, but due to decrease appetite he started to eat in less amount that is taking 2 meals per day and most of the time Denise taking food.

Sleep was adequate

Bowel moments were regular

Addictions- patient used to smoke 2 packs per day stopped 5 years ago

Family history:-

No significant family history 

General examination:-

Patient was drowsy(arousable) cooperative coherent

No pallor, icterus,cyanosis,lympadenopathy,edema of foot

Vitals on presentation

Temp:- 102F

Pr:- 148 bpm

Rr:- 44cpm

Bp:-80/50 mmHg

Spo2:- 88% on RA kept on 6litres of O2 then maintained 99%

GRBS:- high

On Respiratory system examination:-

On inspection:- normal shaped chest, trachea appears to be in centre, no scars and sinuses present,abdomino thoracic type of respiration, normal respiratory movements present

On palpation:- all inspectory findings are confirmed on palpation

DIAGNOSIS:- Diabetic ketoacidosis with community acquired pneumonia with AKI (pre renal)

Pajr link:-


63 yr old male with fever and burning micturition since one month


Complaints of increased frequency of passage of urine since one month

Vomiting Since one day

History of presenting illness

Patient was apparently a symptomatic one month back then he developed burning micturition which was insidious in onset, no aggravating and relieving factors 

fever was insidious in onset, gradually progressive ,intermittent , associated with chills and rigors, low grade, relieved on medication

Complaints of vomiting since one day, non projectile, non bilious 4 episodes, food as content

Complaints of increased frequency of urine approximately 20 times a day and increased passage of urine during night Times approximately 5 times since 1 month

No history of cold and cough

Complaints of shortness of breath since 5 days

Patient feels Dehydrated since 5 days

No history of chest pain, palpitation ,syncope

Past history

History of RTA 1 year back, where he got admitted in the hospital used medication for diabetes, continued for 3 months, stopped by the patient as he felt alright after using the medication for 3 months,from then he has knee pains.

History of RTF 15 days back started to develop body pains since then

Uses NSAIDs daily to relieve the pain since 1 year

No history of similar complaints in the past

No history of hypertension,epilepsy , asthma, TB

Personal history

Patient works in a garage as a daily worker

He maintain normal diet

He sleep is adequate

Patient has constipation since 15 days, passes stools after 4 days, passes only after using medication

Bladder moments increased frequency of passage of urine since 1 month

Addictions consumes alcohol occasionally

Blog link:-

PaJr link:-

Case 3:-

67 year old male with sob since 10 days,pedal and facial edema since 8 days

A 67 year old Male R/O Devarakonda , came to the casualty on 2nd December 2023 with complaints of Shortness of breath since 10 days and pedal & facial  edema since 8 days


Patient  came in drowsy but arousable state to the casualty . He was apparently asymptomatic 10 days back , then he developed Shortness of breath which is insidious in onset, gradually progressive in nature, aggravating on exertion and relieved on taking rest, progressed from grade II to grade III- IV (Modified MRC)

Orthopnea, Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea present

C/O Bilateral pedal edema below knees , facial puffiness and periorbital edema since 8 days , insidious onset, gradually progressive in nature , no diurnal variation, pitting type I.

C/o decreased urine output and decreased appetite since 5days

No C/o chest pain, palpitations, profuse sweating,

No c/o fever, cold, cough, nausea, vomiting, loose stools.

His daily routine is waking up at 6: 00 am, breakfast as idli/upma at 8:00 am . He used to have his lunch as rice and curry , sambhar/rasam at 1: 00 pm .He usually haves his dinner as chapati/upma/rice and curry at 8:00pm and goes to bed by 9:00 pm.

The patient used to lead a normal life before this 15days .


K/c/o asthma since 10yrs -on medication

N/K/C/O DM, CAD, CVD, Thyroid, epilepsy

K/C/O HTN 6 yrs ago and used medication for 3 yrs and stopped as BP was under control

H/O TB 30 yrs ago



Shop keeper by occupation

Diet: Mixed

Appetite: decreased

Sleep: adequate

Urine output decreased

Bowel movements: Regular

Addictions: Alcohol occasionally

Allergies: no known


Patient is drowsy due to sedation, coherent to time , place, person.

Ht: 155cm      Wt: 58 kg

Pallor: present

Icterus: absent

Clubbing: absent

Cyanosis: absent

Koilonychia: absent

Lymphadenopathy: absent

Post intubation vitals: Vitals: Temp: 98 F

BP: 90/60 mmHg

PR: 102 bpm

RR: 15 cpm ACMV mode

SpO2: 100% at 5 litre O2

GRBS: 126 mg%



Orthopnea +

Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea +

wheeze +

Central position of trachea



S1 S2 heard

No murmurs

No thrills


Shape of abdomen: mildly distended

No tenderness

No palpable mass

No bruits

Liver and spleen- not palpable

Bowel sounds heard


drowsy but arousable

no neck stiffness

kernig's sign negative

cranial nerves: normal

motor - intact

sensory - intact

Glasgow scale E2V2M2 = 6/15


SKIN: normal

ENT: normal


Provisional diagnosis:- ?Acute kidney injury

Blog link:-

Case 4:-

55 year old with generalised body swelling since 15 days


C/o generalised body swelling since 15 days

C/o shortness of breath since 10 days

C/o decreased urine output since 10 days

C/o fever since 2 days

History of presenting illness:-

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days back then noticed generalised body swelling (Anasarca) since then

C/0 shortness of breath since 10 days, insidious in onset, gradually progressive, from grade I to grade III, orthopnea present, No PND

C/o decreased urine output since 10 days, burning micturition present,

No C/o cough, nausea, vomiting , loose stools

Past history:-

K/C/O DM since 6 years and is on inj.Human Actripid Insulin 10U--10U--10U

K/C/O HTN since 1 year and is on Tab.amlodipine 10mg OD

k/c/o CKD since 1 year and is on conservative management.

N/K/C/O CAD, CVD, Thyroid disorders, epilepsy

Personal history:-

Diet :-

Addictions:- stopped smoking 5 years ago.

Used to smoke beedi 2 packs/day

Used to drink alcohol occasionally,stopped drinking 5 years ago

Sleep:- adequate

Bowel and bladder movements:- decreased urine output since 10 days,bowel movements regular

Patient is drowsy due to sedation, coherent to time , place, person.

Pallor: present 

Icterus: present

Clubbing: absent

Cyanosis: absent

Lymphadenopathy: absent

PR: 102 bpm

RR: 15 cpm

SpO2: 100% at 5 litre O2

GRBS: 126 mg%

Provisional diagnosis:- ??CKD secondary to diabetes

Blog link:-


i have seen multitude of cases in the op,there was an interesting day among them where i have seen many chest pain cases over 10 ,only one among them was diagnosed to have inferior wall MI (he was in a window period).

he was a 42 year old male presented to general medicine opd at 10am

with complaints of severe burning type of chest pain since 8am, substernal radiating to left arm was not relieved on medication.serial ecgs done which showed ST elevation in lead II,III and aVF.

2d echo showed ef:-55%, good contraction of  Left ventricle.

Serial ecgs

2d echo

Posted in psychiatry:-

These are the cases which i have seen while i was in psychiatry

learning points which i have learnt while I was posted in psychiatry:-

how to interact with a patient with patience,to diagnose the condition just by listening to their story which brought them here and one cannot get into conclusion without informants view of story.

Posted in peripherals

I faced many challenges while i was posted in ICU 

One such challenge was to revive a patient(which was a case of decompensated liver cirrhosis) whose saturations were dropping rapidly with sp02 being 60% ,heart rate being 170 ,respiratory rate 50cpm 

immediately started doing cpr , patient was not revived , vitals were still unstable ,they i assisted in doing intubation(did ambu), patient was not still revived ,ecg flat line achieved.Unfortunately patient couldnt be revived.


learning points

learnt how to perform a quality CPR

how to insert a ryles tube

how to take an ABG sample

how to monitor the patients


Nephrology :-

learning points:-

learnt how the dialysis machine works, how it helps the patients who landed in chronic renal failure.

how to monitor the patients who are undergoing  dialysis

performed 5 blood transfusions 

collected 5 ABG samples

1.General medicine posting helped me in building doctor patient relationship and helped me knowing the importance of knowing the detailed history of his/her daily routines.
2. This posting helped me in developing my research skills on various topics so that I could give my inputs based on latest research results

Thank you


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